芒果拿破崙卷|Mango Mille Feuille Roll Cake
Eva Chan
上課時間:約 3.5 小時
Duration:around 3.5 hours
教授製作鬆軟原味卷蛋、示範如何製作快速酥皮麵團 (同學參與部分酥皮麵團製作) 及法國精緻甜點必學的真正餡料,讓你重新認識真正香滑的吉士奶油醬味道。
Have you ever imagined combining the classic French patisserie - crispy Mille-feuille with the moist and soft roll cake? With the secret traditional filling -Pastry cream Using 100% Madagascar vanilla bean and fresh mango. One dessert comprises two separate elements gives you an unforgettable taste.
Guiding you through the whole process in making moist and soft Japanese style roll cake, demon-strate the quick puff pastry (participants involve in part of puff pastry process) and the Vanilla Pas-try Cream-a fundamental and authentic French dessert recipe that uses in many classic patis-series as a filling.
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
8-10 participants
One 8" roll / participant
為支持環保,希望同學能自備保鮮盒 (不少於 7”闊 x 10”長 x 4”高)
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.
Recommend box size : 7” width x 10” length x 5” height