免搓英式馬芬麵包配手製蕃薯果醬|No-Knead English Muffin Bread & Sweet Potato Jam
Eva Chan
麵包系列 - 免搓英式馬芬麵包配手製蕃薯果醬
上課時間:約 3-3.5 小時
Duration:3-3.5 hours
以免揉方法製作經典的英式馬芬麵包!用上無需搓揉又簡單易做的配方做出鬆軟香噴噴的English Muffin 麵包,搭配特別創作的手製蕃薯果醬,軟綿幼滑的口感,是讓你一試難忘的味道。
This class will show you how to make a classic ENGLISH MUFFIN BREAD without any kneading process! You will also get to know how to make a smooth and luscious SWEET POTATO JAM, you will be surprised how these two flavours pair well together!
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
8-10 participants
8pcs of english muffin bread & a bottle of handmade jam / participant
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.