瑞典芝士核桃蜂蜜法包 | Baguette with Västerbottensost, Walnuts & Honey
Iris Wong
上課時間:約 3小時
Duration:3 hours
People always said cheese is the solution to all problems, this is especially true when it is västerbottensost - a Swedish cheese crowned as the King of Cheese.
This rich cheese with its own special fruity aroma is a great match with honey, and the roasted walnuts add an extra crunchiness to the baguette. Together with the bread, we will also make a Herb and Cheese spread, because no one ever said “too much cheese”!
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
8-10 participants
6 pcs 5" mini baguette/ participant
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.
Iris Wong
- 放棄安逸穩定的辦公室生活,選擇追尋烘焙夢的90後女生
- 希望可透過分享烘焙的樂趣以及新鮮的麵包為大家帶來幸福
- 畢業於香港RISE烘焙證書課程,師承法國主廚Chef Stéphane Reinat
- 畢業於日本東京藍帶烘焙文憑,師承法國主廚Chef Manuel Robert
- 曾赴台灣向烘焙名師吳克己深造麵包烘焙技巧
- 曾於香港不同著名烘焙店工作
- 2018年開始@hengfookbakery Instagram專頁分享烘焙心得及成果
- 希望可透過分享烘焙的樂趣以及新鮮的麵包為大家帶來幸福
- 畢業於香港RISE烘焙證書課程,師承法國主廚Chef Stéphane Reinat
- 畢業於日本東京藍帶烘焙文憑,師承法國主廚Chef Manuel Robert
- 曾赴台灣向烘焙名師吳克己深造麵包烘焙技巧
- 曾於香港不同著名烘焙店工作
- 2018年開始@hengfookbakery Instagram專頁分享烘焙心得及成果
- Having always harboured a great passion in boulangerie, Iris, a post-90s girl, decided to quit her stable office job in pursuit of her baking dream
- Wishes to share the happiness of baking with all of you in this hustle and bustle
- Graduated from RISE Professional Boulangerie Program
- Graduated from Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo Diploma in Boulangerie
- Worked in different renowned local bakeries
- Started her own Instagram blog @hengfookbakery in 2018 to share her baking journey
- Wishes to share the happiness of baking with all of you in this hustle and bustle
- Graduated from RISE Professional Boulangerie Program
- Graduated from Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo Diploma in Boulangerie
- Worked in different renowned local bakeries
- Started her own Instagram blog @hengfookbakery in 2018 to share her baking journey
